It’s hard to believe that a year has already passed since I joined the Design Team at Younique Scrapbooking Store in Guelph, ON.
When I answered the call to join the team, I was hoping to fulfill one of my bucket list items: to be on a Design Team for a papercrafting company. I had previously been a Guest Designer, but hoped to become a team member. The opportunity to join the Younique team seemed right up my alley: it was located in my hometown of Guelph, ON, Canada and it would give me the opportunity to try various mediums and work with products from various manufacturers in the industry.
I also told the owners, Heather and Dan McCallum, that I would be open to working in the store one day a week. I’ve always loved working in retail and had kept my hand in doing it throughout the years, even as I ran my own PR and Marketing business.
I’m not sure what sold them, but in the end, I started working in the store and on the Design Team in November of 2022. And boy has it been a busy year! I’ve done two Facebook Live workshops on the company Facebook page each month https://www.facebook.com/www.youniquescrapbookstore.ca , created kits for workshops I’ve done, and worked in the store every Monday for the past year. That’s in addition to my part-team teaching job at Conestoga College! And working with clients too. Oh, and in May, I started doing a bi-weekly newsletter for the store as well, which seems to have been well received by customers.
One of my greatest joys has come from helping new and returning papercrafters find their way to this world.
Starting them on their journey, explaining tools and helping them feel a little less overwhelmed is so gratifying. I also love seeing the regular customers come in every week and chatting with them about the new products that have arrived and what we are expecting and sharing ideas about what we are working on and trading thoughts.
One of the reasons I wanted to add something else to my plate was because I wanted to make the time to get into my craft studio more regularly. I was finding everything else was getting in the way — work, family, house chores — I was letting all the other stuff get in my way of finding my creative outlet time. I thought taking this on would ‘force’ me into my studio. And it has. Deadlines do have a way of doing that. But it has also reinforced just how much I love this world and being creative. And how I love sharing it with others.
I am grateful I have had the opportunity this year to get to do this.