I have used a planner ever since I was in high school.
I remember getting my wisdom teeth out in Grade 12 and the doctor looked at me in wonder as I said hang on, let me check my calendar and whipped out my planner. He told my mom he’d never seen a high school student do that before.
So, I’m a long time user of planners. And I never left the paper version to go to a digital version. Give me paper!! (More than one reason I went to Journalism school! LOL!)
So this whole resurgence, resurrection and love affairs with planners in the creative community makes me laugh a bit.
But, when Kimmie put the challenge out I thought hmm…
To decorate or not to decorate
I’ve stayed away from decorating my main planner as I take it into client meetings and workplaces and it just might not convey the level of professionalism needed. But then I thought, there’s the calendar I use on the fridge in the kitchen to plan and integrate the entire family life.
And then I did
And last night I decorated it. Oh what fun! I did it very quickly because it was late and I really needed to get to bed. I love it!! And when I came down to the kitchen this morning and saw it…it made me smile. And feel happy. How silly that a decorated calendar can do that. But what a nice little touch to my day.
I think this is something I will keep doing.
And it’s made me start thinking about creating my own calendar for next year…and maybe even my own planner pages….hmm…